What Disciplines Are Used in the Study of Fashion

Interdisciplinary in Costume Design the Awarding of Compound Talents

Fashion Pattern and Engineering science, Shanghai University of Technology, Shanghai, Prc

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(Zheng Jingjing)

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Zheng Jingjing, Ruan Jinhua, Hu Shouzhong . Interdisciplinary in Costume Design the Application of Compound Talents . Pedagogy Journal. Vol. 5 , No. iv , 2015, pp. 71 - 74 . doi: 10.11648/j.edu.20160504.15

Received : October 27, 2015; Accepted: November 13, 2015; Published: July 6, 2016

Abstract: The comprehensive quality of the clothing market for apparel blueprint talents, ability demand is higher and higher, and the single costume design talents knowledge framework, which requires the domestic institutions of higher learning of clothing talent costume design professional learning, not only to consolidate the noesis, also need to learn and clothing cross discipline, due to besides many related disciplines, need to interdisciplinary screening. This article through the literature search, interdisciplinary extraction stage factor, then the enquiry method. Primary factors assay method of Spss software is used to decide the main and the clothing design disciplines, which in plough to fashion design talent training mode, can promise to talent cultivation in the article of clothing blueprint a certain reference value.

Keywords: Vesture Design, Talent Training, Inter-disciplinary Talent, Interdisciplinary

Abstract Keywords 1. Introduction two. Interdisciplinarity and Interdisciplinary Talents two.1. Interdisciplinarity 2.2. Interdisciplinary Talents 2.iii. Importance in Costume Design Compound Talents Cultivation of Interdisciplinarity Analysis 3. The Survey of Content Related to Manner Blueprint Grade Cross three.1. With Costume Design Interdisciplinary Extraction 3.2. With the Wear Design of Interdisciplinary Enquiry Design iv. Data Statistical Processing and Chart Production four.1. Correlation Test iv.2. Scale Reliability Validity Analysis 4.3. Costume Pattern Related Disciplines Factor Analysis v. Conclusion Acknowledgement References

one. Introduction

"Made in China" has always been like a double-edged sword affects the development of Chinese apparel industry, relying on the "made in China" China'due south garment industry has made smashing breakthroughs, costume design talents as well arises at the historic moment, have sprung upward to grow up. However, equally "Communist china to create" slogan is put forward, the expansion of the clothing marketplace, demand for fashion pattern talent already not just stay in the mastery of professional knowledge. Modern clothing marketplace prefers costume design talents, and domestic colleges and universities developed "achievement" oft don't meet the demanding of the market [1] .

In this paper, we study is applying costume design related disciplines to develop inter-disciplinary talent? In this newspaper, through investigation, and SPSS software to analyze the factors, find out main clothing blueprint related disciplines, and analyzes its awarding in the design of Shanghai engineering and applied science academy institute of clothing, then to the costume design talents training manner, can hope to talent tillage in the clothing design a certain reference value.

two. Interdisciplinarity and Interdisciplinary Talents

ii.ane. Interdisciplinarity

two.i.1. The Pregnant of Interdisciplinarity

Interdisciplinarity is blend of bookish idea. In that location are diverse ways of interdisciplinary; Cross span, increasing. The level of the crosses the deepening. Interdisciplinarity is the interaction betwixt the academic disciplines, and cantankerous germination of the theoretical system, a cantankerous subject area; Many cross subject constitutes the interdisciplinary sciences.

ii.ane.2. The Aims of Interdisciplinarity

A: Interdisciplinary frontier interdisciplinary sciences atomic number 82 to many

For example: particle cosmology, biophysical chemistry, biology, mathematics, science, environmental science, infinite, system science, natural science ethics of sociology and social nature, and so on. Then far, the number of interdisciplinary has reached more 000 more than two, many of which are crossed the frontier of scientific discipline.

B: For a comprehensive solution to major issues facing humanity. A land'due south development strategy, the full general policy, general policy formulation, the major decisions, such as political, military and economy are most in need of comprehensive knowledge, can say, almost systemic noesis across all bailiwick areas. Population, food, energy, ecology, environment, health problems, such equally but on any single subject field or a large scientific discipline cannot solve effectively, and only through the subject area overlapping between the near likely solution.

2.ii. Interdisciplinary Talents

two.2.ane. The Meaning of Interdisciplinary Talents

Interdisciplinary talents should be in each attribute has certain ability, in a sure specific ways to excel, to the inter-disciplinary talent should not only has outstanding experience in professional skills, also has high relevant skills. For wearing apparel design talents, learning costume design and other interdisciplinary promotes the evolution of its comprehensive, simply grasp the manner design professional knowledge, has far cannot satisfy the market demand for wearing apparel design talents. Clothing marketplace need is chemical compound talents [2].

Main professional person skills, and easily-on inter-disciplinary talent high salary every twelvemonth. Shanghai labor and social security bureau yesterday issued a full-time position salary guide price testify that the blended talent shortage of wage growth of 15% last yr, demand for interdisciplinary talents in the visible market increases yea r by year, inter-disciplinary talent's market favor.

2.2.ii. Style Pattern Means for the Tillage of the Talents

one. Increase the contents of the costume design discipline overlapping: clothing marketplace marketing, psychology, management, police (intellectual property) computer, advert, aesthetics.

2. To strengthen the structure of practice, training of theory combining with practice, attach importance to students' applied operation ability.

3. Structures at habitation and abroad to report and communication platform: the interaction of colleges and universities at dwelling house and away, reference and learning.

four. To strengthen the structure of double, interdisciplinary faculty: internal and external mentor.

v. To optimize the design of the clothing student'south grade: eliminate and costume pattern talent preparation is not loftier, the correlation increases relatively important.

ii.3. Importance in Costume Pattern Chemical compound Talents Tillage of Interdisciplinarity Assay

ane) In terms of clothing design innovation industry, clothing design innovation industry has the characteristics of strong permeability and loftier value-added, higher requirements for the discipline of crossover and integration. By clothing manufacture grew out of the creative product design innovation embodies more intelligent, personalized, artistic color obvious miracle of culture and engineering and blend with each other. So the clothing design innovation of industrial structure of human resources requirements specification is higher, the wearable pattern innovation industry requires special skills information technology is needless to say, the artistic talents and interdisciplinary knowledge under the background of a number of skills, can in respect of the organic combination of science and art has attainments is a costume design talents [3].

2) from the perspective of wear market, due to the development of the clothing market have multiple disciplines, traditional professional person costume designer already can't satisfy the needs of wear market, in lodge to better and faster development, it needs more compound talents with interdisciplinary background. And one of the ways for the cultivation of the talents is to cross education between disciplines.

three. The Survey of Content Related to Fashion Design Course Cantankerous

iii.one. With Costume Pattern Interdisciplinary Extraction

There are 2 main ways that excerpt: literature summary and the method of skillful interview. Thus summed upwards: habiliment market marketing, consumer psychology, direction, advertising, constabulary (intellectual property), computer, aesthetics and and then on seven.

3.ii. With the Clothing Design of Interdisciplinary Research Pattern

This research mainly adopts questionnaire survey as the primary method of collect written report materials, forth with questionnaires, supplemented past interview method, in view of the data analysis in question is used to verify and agreement. The results of questionnaire as shown in table 1.

Tabular array 1 . Q uestionnaire R ecovery South ituation .

The amount of questionnaire 300
The amount of received questionnaire 260
The amount of effective questionnaire 200
effective charge per unit 86.six%

By gender points, including the boy 175, bookkeeping for 58.iii%; 1000 irls, 125, accounting for 41.7%. By profession points, including 136 students, 45.3%; Teacher, 97 (32.3%), shown in figure 1, figure 2 as follows.

Figure 1 . Questionnaire recovery ratio .

Figure ii . Questionnaire recycling of the pie nautical chart shown pie proportion of different careers .

Costume design related subject area with the alphabetic character L, M, Due north, O, P, Q, R, for each related discipline frequency of one to 5 points. Tin be seen from the table below seven related disciplines scores on ii to v minutes, and appear in the ratio of i is relatively small. The total score on the right side of each related subjects to develop for its value multiplied its respective to the sum of the proportion. Thus, consumer psychology, figurer and aesthetics attract more business organization and attention.

4. Data Statistical Processing and Chart Production

4.one. Correlation Test

The purpose of this examination is to validate the gender, professional person design related disciplines to wear to choose whether or not have a pregnant impact, just besides to verify the correlation between article of clothing design related discipline. Through the inspection, the garment blueprint related discipline correlation between the choices of small, interaction betwixt most can be ignored. And gender, professional for fashion pattern have little affect on the choice of relevant subject, can be ignored.

four.two. Calibration Reliability Validity Analysis

The reliability test of the crowns Bach reliability coefficient method is adopted, Cronbach'due south alpha coefficient between 0 and 1, if the alpha 0.nine or higher, argues that scale has a loftier reliability; If acuities were blastoff 0.8 < 0.viii, argues that the reliability is acceptable; If acuities were alpha 0.7 < 0.7, explicate certain issues scale blueprint. This study has a scale, analysis of garment design related disciplines, a full of vii measuring item. In this newspaper, I use Cronbach's blastoff reliability interpretation method to approximate the reliability of questionnaire.

Among them, the alpha for reliability coefficient, yard every bit championship number, the variances of the questionnaire for each topic, s2 said the variance of exam scores.

Table 2. I tems in T otal S tatistics .

The average scale has been deleted A deleted scale variance Correction of a total correlation A deleted Cronbach'southward Alpha
L 23.65 eleven.510 .691 .811
M 23.70 12.130 .580 .827
N 23.91 xi.083 .716 .806
O 24.00 11.273 .585 .828
P 23.74 12.656 .566 .830
Q 23.87 11.755 .598 .825
R 23.83 12.059 .505 .839

Table three. R eliability Due south tatistics .

Cronbach's Alpha discipline
.845 7

iv.iii. Costume Pattern Related Disciplines Factor Assay

Tabular array 4. KMO and Bartlett'south test .

Take out the plenty Kaiser-Meyer-O1kin metrics .702
Bartlett Sphericity test The approximate chi-foursquare 63.738
df 21
Sig. .000

The table 4 shows that the Kaiser-Meyer-O1kin has a value of 0.648 is close to one, so the factor is stable, can proceed the post-obit gene analysis.

Table v. Clothing related disciplines the estimation of the total variance .

Ingredients The initial eigenvalue Extraction of sum of squares loaded
sum variance % cumulative % sum variance % cumulative %
ane 5.079 72.571 72.571 five.079 72.571 72.571
2 .995 14.220 66.791
3 .728 ten.394 77.185
4 .676 nine.660 86.845
5 .534 7.630 94.475
half-dozen .240 3.429 97.904
vii .147 2.096 100.000
Extraction method: Principal component analysis.

From clothing related subjects gravel figure, there are one-7 respective factors abscissa, and the y coordinate for the eigenvalues. Cistron 2 as the turning point, and the characteristic value of the factor two is less than 1, so should factor 1 is put forward. Again the table 5 shows that the initial eigenvalue gene 1 is more than one, co-ordinate to the extraction of sum of squares in the concluding 2 columns of load and rotate the sum of squares load, the factor 1 can explain the original seven variables are 72.571% of the full variance.

By component matrix can be known, L, N load on gene 1 is college, more 0.viii, O, Q in high load on factor 1, betwixt 0.7 0.8 M, P, R depression load on factor ane, between 0.6 to 0.7. Interleaving gene 1 named discipline.

5. Decision

This commodity is mainly near the clothing pattern talent training courses on the ground of reasonable structure, which is from the perspective of interdisciplinarity learning costume pattern talents for need of related disciplines, and through cistron assay, decide which subject field should be the first to enter the vesture design talent grooming class modules, more than targeted to cultivate interdisciplinary talents marketplace need.

But, in this paper, the preliminary design to clothing subject area overlapping content choice by relying on zilch more than to find a lot of literature, thus volition crusade the loss of function of the content of interdisciplinarity. Questionnaire survey efficiency is non high at the same time, resulting in a subtract of the amount of data, which affect the results of the calculation of divergence. In addition to the concrete implementation plan of the costume blueprint talents cultivation too demand to continue to complement. Hope that this article studies the content of the talent cultivation in the clothing design to a sure reference value.


This study was funded past Science Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, the funded project No. 11510501600 and Municipal Education Committee of Shanghai, the funded project No. 13ZS128.


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